To be a globally recognized center of excellence committed to nurturing competent management professionals who contribute towards a sustainable future.
- To become an institution of excellence through continuous improvement in teaching-learning process, research and consultancy.
- To create leaders with analytical and critical thinking abilities who add value to themselves, their organizations and society.
- To develop socially responsible and ethical professionals committed to sustainable development.
- To foster an environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship.
- To create a system and structure to develop leadership and achieve high leadership potential in its students.
- Create Centers of Excellence in leadership, sustainability and entrepreneurship and make these as fulcrums for achieving its vision and mission.
- Remain contemporary in the degree it awards.
- Progressively move towards a residential campus capable of integrating multiple cultures fully.
- Enter Management education with a view to provide lifelong learning to the corporate world as also provide opportunity for its faculty to learn from the industry.
- Provide support for all faculty to achieve academic excellence through completing the PhD program and embark on high quality publishing.
- Support the community spirit envisioned in the vision/mission by creating and supporting an excellent alumni network.
- Retain sustained focus on the quality of placements of its students, so that, we make the axiom ‘Gateway to a Great Career’ real for everyone.